
【季中邀請賽】歐美網友看閃電狼 vs GAM:當Betty決定了穿起Carry的褲子時 這場就結束了

Coolplus 2017年05月12日 11:34:00




This reminded me so much of GAM vs TSM game 4, GAM getting overzelous and throwing. Great start though from GAM and great comeback from FW.

Finally a thread with right title and actual stats.

這令我回想到GAM VS TSM的第4場, GAM再一次衝過頭戳掉遊戲

不過GAM真的有一個好的開始, 而FW也很會打回來

終於有一個貼是有正確的名稱跟數據了 (這句是吐嘈REDDIT鄉民搶貼戰果文)


It was pretty much over when Betty decided to put his carry pants on

當Betty決定了穿起Carry的褲子的時候, 其實這場就完了




aka when ezreal gets three items

這也可以說是: 當EZ手上有3件裝的時候…


it was pretty much over when fw decided to play as a team.

其實是當FW決定玩得像一個團隊的時候, 這遊戲就完了


When your team is so ahead they start playing like monkeys.

SoloQ PTSD triggered




Imagine how good GAM would be with a little more experience and macro

想像一下… 如果GAM有更多的經驗跟大局觀的話, 他們會有多好


"Sir, you've been in a coma for 15 minutes." "Oh boy I can't wait to see GAM win this game vs FW!"

“先生, 現在已經過了15分鐘了。” “急不及待看到GAM贏FW了!” (結果GAM又爆掉了)


Oh, that was a sad throw, was cheering a lot for the Marines!

這是一場令人傷心的翻盤, 比賽的時候一直都為GAM加油!


Gigabyte Marines look like a Korean team in the early game, but in mid-late game they revert to a wildcard team that doesn't know what to do. Still impressed by them though, but they really need to work on their weaknesses.

GAM早期很像韓國的戰隊, 但是到中後期就打得像一支外卡的隊伍, 就是不知道自己要幹嘛。不過對他們都是還有很深刻的印象, 但是他們還是需要正視自己的弱點。


This went from trash wolves to GAM throw pretty fast.

這場由垃圾狼到GAM戳掉的變化變得超快 (Reddit對FW真的不留情的噴了QQ)


Vietnam's jungle game still strong after 50 years.

越南打野即使過了50年還是很猛 (越戰梗)


Game of throws :/

一場戳掉的遊戲 :/


Well that was an unfortunate turn of events for GAM.



If GAM can learn to keep their leads, they could actually make it to the finals.

如果GAM知道怎麼保持優勢的話, 他們有機會打進決賽


Betty is a fucking beast wow. Really well played by him!

Betty這場就像野獸一樣, 他玩得真的很好!


Even though they lost, I think Levi may be the 2nd best jungler at this tournament.

...and Svenskeren is the worst.

雖然他們又輸, 我始終覺得Levi是這次比賽之中, 第2最佳的打野… 而Sven就是最爛的1個(沒有TSM繼續噴TSM)


GAM's late-game plan is basically ARAM





That's a cool interaction between Galio ult and LeBlanc Mimic:











歐美網友看SKT vs TSM:奧莉Faker的大絕好大!
歐美網友看閃電狼 vs TSM:Svenskeren對台灣作出了補償...

