
「不再姑息職場性騷擾」 奧斯卡影藝學院將好萊塢名製片除名

余尹倫 2017年10月15日 15:50:00


深陷性騷擾指控的好萊塢王牌製片哈維韋斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)14日確定遭奧斯卡金像獎主辦單位「美國電影藝術與科學學會」(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)除名,成為「美國影藝學院」90年歷史中第二位遭逐出門戶的成員。





《衛報》(the Guardian)指出,「美國影藝學院」過去從未因道德問題或疑似的犯罪行為將成員驅逐。例如被多宗性侵醜聞纏身的美國喜劇巨匠「天才老爹」比爾寇斯比(Bill Cosby)及被控對前女友家暴的老牌影星梅爾吉勃遜(Mel Gibson),目前仍保有成員身分。


先前唯一遭影藝學院除名者是演紅《教父》系列作品、現齡83歲的男影星卡爾麥卡里迪(Carmine Caridi)。他在2004年因違規分享電影試片光碟,慘遭除名。


65歲的哈維韋斯坦本月首度遭《紐約時報》(The New York Times)踢爆,職涯中多次向合作女星伸出「鹹豬手」。至今已有超過30位女星出面指控哈維韋斯坦性騷擾,其中4位指控他性侵,包括曾參與知名影集《童話小鎮》(Once Upon a Time)的蘿絲麥高文(Rose McGowan)。









董事會在聲明中強調,將哈維韋斯坦除名的目的不僅在切割,更為傳遞出影界拒絕再姑息職場性騷擾與性掠奪行為(sexually predatory behavior)的訊息。對上述行為「悶不吭聲的時代已終結」。










針對他的性騷擾與性侵指控,在近日猶如骨牌效應一般傾洩。多位先前不願出聲的女星也紛紛跳出來重憶當時的恐怖經驗,包括知名女星安潔莉納裘莉(Angelina Jolie)、近來轉戰影界的超模卡拉迪樂芬妮(Cara Delevingne)及因電影《藍色是最溫暖的顏色》(La vie d'Adèle)一戰成名的法國女星蕾雅瑟杜(Léa Seydoux)。


美國雜誌《浮華世界》(vanity fair)12日刊登數十位女星的指控內容。蕾雅瑟杜透露當時哈維韋斯坦邀請自己前去他的飯店房間喝酒,「當下實在很難拒絕,畢竟他是如此的有權勢,而所有的女孩都很怕他」。據蕾雅瑟杜描述,哈維韋斯坦趁兩人在沙發上聊天時突然撲向她並試圖強吻。





安潔莉納裘莉則向《紐約時報》表示,「年輕時我與哈維韋斯坦有過一次糟糕的經驗, 所以後來我堅持不和他共事,也警告任何與他共事的人。不論是在哪個行業或國家,這種對待女性的行為都是不被接受的」。





When I first started to work as an actress, i was working on a film and I received a call from‎ Harvey Weinstein asking if I had slept with any of the women I was seen out with in the media. It was a very odd and uncomfortable call....i answered none of his questions and hurried off the phone but before I hung up, he said to me that If I was gay or decided to be with a woman especially in public that I'd never get the role of a straight woman or make it as an actress in Hollywood. A year or two later, I went to a meeting with him in the lobby of a hotel with a director about an upcoming film. The director left the meeting and Harvey asked me to stay and chat with him. As soon as we were alone he began to brag about all the actresses he had slept with and how he had made their careers and spoke about other inappropriate things of a sexual nature. He then invited me to his room. I quickly declined and asked his assistant if my car was outside. She said it wasn't and wouldn't be for a bit and I should go to his room. At that moment I felt very powerless and scared but didn't want to act that way hoping that I was wrong about the situation. When I arrived I was relieved to find another woman in his room and thought immediately I was safe. He asked us to kiss and she began some sort of advances upon his direction. I swiftly got up and asked him if he knew that I could sing. And I began to sing....i thought it would make the situation better....more professional....like an audition....i was so nervous. After singing I said again that I had to leave. He walked me to the door and stood in front of it and tried to kiss me on the lips. I stopped him and managed to get out of the room. I still got the part for the film and always thought that he gave it to me because of what happened. Since then I felt awful that I did the movie. I felt like I didn't deserve the part. I was so hesitant about speaking out....I didn't want to hurt his family. I felt guilty as if I did something wrong. I was also terrified that this sort of thing had happened to so many women I know but no one had said anything because of fear.

Cara Delevingne(@caradelevingne)分享的貼文 於 張貼




先前不願參與《紐約客》(The New Yorker)針對本次性騷擾風波報導的英國女星克萊兒馥蘭妮(Claire Forlani)12日在推特上分享自己5度驚險逃過哈維韋斯坦魔爪的經歷。25歲那年,「他不斷向我炫耀所有和他上過床的女星,以及他替她們爭取到的工作機會」。







哈維韋斯坦現在則儼然成了人人喊打的「落水狗」,除遭業界拋棄,就連親弟弟也拒絕替他辯護。美國媒體《好萊塢報導者》(The Hollywood Reporter)13日刊出與其弟鮑勃韋斯坦(Bob Weinstein)的專訪內容。



擔任兩兄弟共同創立的韋斯坦影業(The Weinstein Company,TWC)執行主管的鮑勃表示,「我哥哥根本是瘋了,我無法替他辯護」。「我現在活在一個活生生的噩夢當中。我的哥哥造成了非常過份的傷害,身為3位女兒的父親,我必須痛心地說,對於那些被他傷害過的女性,我感到很心碎」。

哈維韋斯坦已確定遭自家公司韋斯坦影業開除。他的妻子查普曼(Georgina Chapman)也在日前宣布將離開他。


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