
【2018世界賽】歐美網友看100T vs FNC:看來100T沒有被告知他們打的是世界賽

Coolplus 2018年10月18日 04:08:00
100T被認為強度偏低。(圖片來源:lolesports Flicker)

100T被認為強度偏低。(圖片來源:lolesports Flicker)

小組賽的最後一日, 由 D 組出戰決定誰將能夠晉級,來自 LMS 賽區的 GRX 未能取下一勝,最終以零勝六敗的戰績告別世界賽。歐洲第一種子 FNC 今日對上北美第二種子 100T 時,打野的 Broxah 操作李星屢屢帶動風向,早期與隊友配合無損塔殺,優勢全數掌握,讓後期的 FNC 得以出現三人追擊五人有趣畫面, 100T 的遭受殘虐也在 Reddit 上引發討論。




Fnatic: Alright, we're going to defend this tower.
100T: But we're 5.
Fnatic: Yeah.
100T: And you're 3.
Fnatic: Yeah.
100T: Ok we lose

Fnatic: 好了, 我們現在要去守塔了。
100T: 可是我們有5人耶。
Fnatic: 是的。
100T: 你們只有3人….
Fnatic: 是的。
100T: 好吧, 我們輸了


this game felt so damn one sided, literally 100T was playing like a wildcard team. no way this team was NA's 2nd seed.
這場遊戲看起來真的是一面倒, 100T打成來就像外卡隊一樣, 作為NA的第2種子這真的不行吧。


FNC: Ok guys, today we play clean macro! 
Broxah: ME SMASH!

FNC: OK, 我們今天要好好的玩大局觀!
Broxah: 我來打開破口吧!


FNC: Let's play a cool, controlled game.



looks like 100t weren't told this is worlds so they have no pressure to sub in their main adc or even try.
看來100T沒有被告知他們打的是世界賽, 所以他們都打起來完全沒有壓力, 完全不派先發的ADC上來試試看。


I really wana see how bad cody sun is to justify starting rikara
我真的想看看到底Cody sun有多爛, 爛到要派Rikara當先發。


Hes not worse than this, even if you include his cody done moments hes still 3 times as good as rikara lmao.
我不認為他有這麼差, 就算你把Cody done的場景加進去的話, 我覺得他還是比Rikara好3倍 (笑)。


ssumday and even anda should look for new teams asap lmao
我覺得Ssumday以及Anda應該盡快找個新隊伍 (笑)。


anda is actually the second best player on that roster and he's a rookie lmao
我覺得Anda已經是5人之中, 第2個最好的一個了, 而且他只是一個新人 (笑)。


For everyone else:
GD@25 = Gold Difference at 25 minutes.
For 100T:
GD@25 = Gold Deficit at 25 minutes.

GD@25 = 25分鐘的經濟差
GD@25 = 25分鐘都是經濟落後的一方


Ryu sees Irelia at near death in a even fight twice in lane: "I'm gonna play this one safe"
Ryu sees a half health Lee Sin in a disadvantaged 2v4 fight at dragon "My time to shine"



ryu 100% has caps irelia PTSD


Where we dropping boys
兄弟們, 我們到底要跳到那裡? (嗆100T他們都在玩Fortnite)


God I feel so bad for Rikara. Was put in during play offs and now has to play at worlds against some of the best teams in the world. Guy doesn't deserve the hate that is being thrown his way.
我覺得Rikara真的很慘, 突然在季後賽被拉上來打, 然後又被拉去打世界賽, 對上一些超強的隊伍。他確實不值得被罵到這麼慘。


Playing rikara, letting irelia through, and putting ssumday on sion. Its like they weren't even trying
上Rikara, 然後又放IRE出來, 再把Ssumday拉去玩賽恩, 我覺得100T他們根本連嘗試反抗一下都沒有




Fnatic won a 3v5 with barely any lead. Absolutely insane!
FNC只有很少的領先, 就贏了一個3打5的團戰, 這真的很神!


100t refused to do interviews because they all queued up for fortnite shortly after game.
100T的人不想被訪問, 因為他們想要打完這場就去排Fortnite。


POB or Crown worst midlaners at worlds!? HAHAHA!
You must have forgotten about Ryu... Import slot btw
Terrible performance, terrible build path... just what the fuck

你覺得POB/CROWN是這次世界賽的最爛中路? 哈哈哈
你們一定是忘了RYU了… 而且他還是外援呢
爛到爆的表現, 出裝也是很恐怖… 我只想說WTF


3 EU > 5 NA







謝謝你, Mr.Broxah


Ssumday已經是玩坦了, 結果…






上野連洞讓GRX變成小蜥蜴 IG成功晉級八強​

當表演賽輕鬆面對? GRX搬solo打法FNC快意虐

100T血洗溫泉 GRX為LMS拿下第二個0-6



FNC Caps:八強賽最想對上KT的Ucal選手

FNC Broxah:這個抽籤結果好到不能再好了!



歐美網友看100T vs FNC:看來100T沒有被告知他們打的是世界賽

歐美網友看 iG vs FNC:EU加賽就是無敵




關鍵字: lol fnc 100t
