【2018世界賽】歐美網友看FNC vs IG:只有sOAZ有世界級選手的表現

Coolplus 2018年10月13日 01:57:00
sOAZ為該場表現亮眼的選手。(圖片來源:lolesports Flicker)

sOAZ為該場表現亮眼的選手。(圖片來源:lolesports Flicker)

小組賽第三日, LPL 賽區大獲全勝,目前一敗未嘗,在 FNC 對上 IG 中,也是發揮十足的宰制力,雖然 FNC 上路 Soaz 嘗試力挽狂瀾,可惜隊友的判斷失誤,仍舊無法挽回災情, Reddit 上對於 Soaz 是讚譽有加,但似乎十分不滿下路雙人組的表現。




Idk how Deficio can witness that Baron disaster and keep casting like his heart hasn't just shattered into a million pieces
在見證這個災難級巴龍團戰的情況下, 我是不知道Deficio怎麼還能這麼冷靜的播報比賽, 而不是即場心臟炸裂。


China is just too strong right now.. these teams are all just smashing
現在的中國隊伍是真的很猛… 他們是來打爆其他戰隊的。


Where were you when Soaz was 1V9 on Fnatic?
當Soaz在FNC都要1V9的時候, 你們去了那裡?


[ALL] FNC sOAZ(Sion): I tried so hard
[ALL] FNC sOAZ(Sion): and got so far
[ALL] FNC sOAZ(Sion): But in the end
[ALL] FNC sOAZ(Sion): Fucking bot difference

[ALL] FNC sOAZ(Sion): 我已經盡力了
[ALL] FNC sOAZ(Sion): 直到目前為止
[ALL] FNC sOAZ(Sion): 但是到最後
[ALL] FNC sOAZ(Sion): 媽的下路的差距


Not only bot, Caps got destroyed mid as well
其實都不只下路啦, Caps在中路也被打爆

He was counterpicked though, but it was really terrible when he overextended for the kill on Syndra with no vision.
雖然他是被Counter, 但是他的表現真的很差, 尤其是當他在無視野的情況下, 還想衝上去殺星朵拉。


100% reporting bot in post game lobby
在比賽完結之後, 這對下路100%會被檢舉


Soaz looked like the only world class player on Fnatic today, and damn did he look good.
今天這場只有Soaz有世界級選手的表現, 他真的看起來很不錯。

sOAZ worlds buff as is tradition


Hylissang must have been told growing up that there were starving kids in China judging by that performance.
以Hylissang的表現來說, 他一定是受到指示要把自己養到像中國快餓死的小孩的那樣。


[ALL] FNC Rekkles(Xayah): report rakan
[ALL] FNC Rekkles(Xayah): international feeding

[ALL] FNC Rekkles(Xayah): 檢舉銳空
[ALL] FNC Rekkles(Xayah): 在世界賽送頭


That was Hylissang? I thought that was FNC Olleh.
這是Hylissang? 我還以為是FNC Olleh呢


Who actually thought the 5 vs 4 baron with these health bars was a good idea...
到底誰會認為在血量少的情況下, 打一個5V4的巴龍團戰是一個很好的主意…

└Especially against a 6 kills Kaisa.


IG cant throw if FNC throws first. taps head
IG在FNC先戳的情況下, 是戳不起來的。(輕拍頭)


That baron knockup denying soAZ a double kill after a great ult at 21 minutes. Top 10 Anime betrayals!
在21分鐘的時候, 巴龍把Soaz打到擊飛, 成功阻止了他在一個完美大絕之後, 雙殺對方。這一定是TOP10被動畫背叛的場景!


Alright everyone, every game I've watched this year with a western team has been a defeat, every game I haven't watched has been each of their wins. I'll stop watching now and wake up to what should now be the likely result to the C9 game. Enjoy the show everyone
各位好了, 每當我看西方隊伍比賽的時候, 都是輸的。而我沒看他們比賽的時候, 他們就贏了。由現在開始, 我一場比賽都不看, 然後等我起床再看看C9有什麼結果。希望大家都能享受觀看比賽。(然後他的樓下一推謝謝你的回應XD) 


Swain pick useless, Caps had no pressure
Hyli kept inting
sOAZ played well though

斯溫這個選角真的0作用, Caps也製造不了壓力


Uzi: Delete these western teams!

EDG: No problem, Mr Uzi!

IG: Its already done, Mr Uzi!


EDG:沒問題, Uzi先生!

IG:已經做好了, Uzi先生!


Rookie and Jackeylove sending whole west to sleep


Competitive Ruling: Zdravets “Hylissang” Galabov is being fined $2,000 for griefing his teammates and intentionally feeding.


my swain is bad
my bot is worse
but you got it wrong
im caps not perkz








Blind pick swain mid seems like suicide







嗚… 我不能用這個MEME圖了





老牌戰隊的震撼教育 KT強壓MAD不給機會​




EDG Scout:對上MAD是因為我們失誤才讓比賽拉長

KT Ucal:我、Caps、Rookie和Xiaohu是同程度的選手



歐美網友看GRX vs 100T:GRX baybay?我看是GRX byebye吧

歐美網友看EDG vs TL:這真的是我看的比賽中最爛的一場

歐美網友看FNC vs IG:這是Hylissang? 我還以為是FNC Olleh


關鍵字: lol
