
JR 2019年11月04日 17:33:00
噢天啊!(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

噢天啊!(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

在昨(4日)英雄聯盟2019冠軍賽的兩支隊伍正式出爐,而在四強爭奪的鏖戰中,非常巧合地兩組對戰都是3-1,而在 FPX 對陣 IG 的中國內戰中,擊敗了去年世界冠軍的 FPX 可以說是大放異彩,在第一年打進世界賽就有如此高的成績,不少歐美網友對於該系列賽有諸多的討論!


This is what League of Legends on 2x speed looks like



They saw that URF was up and decided to play this match urf mode



Welcome to the world of LPL!

歡迎來到 LPL!


TheShy saving ult for next game

TheShy 為了下一場比賽省了這個大招


Probably Saving Ult and flash for next worlds



TheShy's being granted the Doublelift award.

應該給 TheShy 搬一個 Doublelift 獎項

註:DL 在以前的比賽常常交不出閃現就死亡,歐美網友常以此揶揄


FPX just played fantastically around TheShy, and there seemed to be several failed moments of miscommunication on IG.

FPX 針對 TheShy 針對得好極了,而且看起來 IG 似乎有許多錯誤的溝通


Gimgoon honestly impressed me today, I expected him to get crushed a lot harder in lane by TheShy. He definitely lost lane, but he was still a threat even in lane.

Gimgoon 今天真的讓我感到印象深刻,我以為他在線上就會被 TheShy 打爆了。他的確輸線,但仍在線上發揮很高的影響力。


Doinb and his dark technology are in the finals.

Doinb 和他的黑科技進到了決賽


Wife buffs too strong

老婆 Buff 太強了


He's married? Who's his wife?




Oh wow she's very pretty, good on him!



I’m glad someone still remembers the “dark technology” thing


註:Smeb 在18年RR曾說 Doinb 是一個黑科技很多的選手



I'm shocked that IG decided to swap in Sword halfway though that last game. Bold call.

我很驚訝 IG 竟然在最後一場比賽換上 Sword,真是大膽的一手





The Shy's weekness has clearly shown today. He is too confident in his mechanical skill that he's keep going in and get punished by an actually good team

TheShy 的弱點今天都顯現出來了。他太自信於自己的技巧,讓他只會往前最後被強隊懲罰了。


Hero to zero is IG's motto

從英雄到0看起來是 IG 的座右銘



2019 英雄聯盟主題曲《Phoneix》歌詞


I'd be happy with a Naut World's skin!



If FPX win, no doubt we'll get the Naut skin for DoinB. only other choices would be Sion or Kled but Nautilus has been by far the most valuable of DoinB's pocket picks

如果 FPX 奪冠的話,毋庸置疑地,Doinb 會拿到納帝魯斯的造型,其他角色可能會有賽恩或克雷德,但深海巨人絕對是 Doinb 角色池最有價值的英雄





TheShy失誤IG惜敗 FPX第一年世界賽成功打進總決賽​



Faker止步於此 冠軍賽將由G2對陣FPX


關鍵字: lol riot fpx jg ig
