美國第一夫人家鄉豎立梅蘭妮亞木雕 造型太「特殊」引民眾熱議

陳品潔 2019年07月07日 21:10:00


美國第一夫人梅蘭妮亞(Melania Trump)的家鄉位處中歐的斯洛維尼亞小鎮塞夫尼察(Sevnica),日前當地豎立了一座梅蘭妮亞的雕像,因其造型特殊引起熱烈討論,稱像「稻草人」、「藍色小精靈」。



川普當選後爆紅 第一夫人家鄉變景點











創作者自信稱「絕對美麗」 重現就職風光


《法新社》(AFP)報導,儘管雕像的抽象、不對稱外型,被指一點都不像梅蘭妮亞,創作的39歲的美國藝術家唐尼(Brad Downey)則自信有加,表示:「我可以理解為什麼人們覺得不足以描繪她實際的外表」,但是成果是「絕對美麗的」。







Today we officially opened the “Melania“ (monument) as part of “This Echo” at Vžigalica Galerija. 7. 2019–25. 8.2019——————————————————————- “Melania” 2019, Sevenica, Slovenia Digital video 12:11 min ___________________________________________________ “Brad Downey’s new ongoing project ”Melania” is a documentary film consisting of several parts about the construction of a monument of Melania Trump, carved into a tree that is still rooted in her hometown of Sevnica, Slovenia. The current First Lady of the USA was born on April 26, 1970 in Novo mesto in the then Yugoslav republic of Slovenia. The sculpture of the president’s wife is made by a local pipe layer and amateur chainsaw sculptor named Maxi. Both Maxi and Melania were born on the same year in the same hospital, but their lives have taken drastically different directions. For the film, Downey and his team spent several months filming interviews with Maxi along with locations around the town. The result is a personal portrait of Maxi and his thoughts about Slovenia, the USA, Europe, immigration and class division. Through these interviews the film attempts to capture the spirit of Slovenia, which seems to be mirrored in Maxi’s interactions with his family, environment and his feelings about art, God, love, and country. By focusing on one working class man’s portrayal of a public and internationally known personality, the film offers insights on local and global problems and policies illuminated by the USA and Europe and beyond.” thanks: Aljaž Celarc , Miha and Jaka Erjavec #firstlady #slovenia #sevnica #AljažCelarc #immigration #refugees

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