
JR 2019年10月28日 14:24:00
DWG努力拿到小組第一結果遇上G2。(圖片來源:Riot Youtube)

DWG努力拿到小組第一結果遇上G2。(圖片來源:Riot Youtube)

在昨(28日)進入世界賽八強的第二日,第二場由 G2 對上 DWG ,可以說是八強賽中最不分軒輊的一場系列賽,不過最終 G2 仍然以3-1的戰績擊敗對手,成功晉級了四強,這也被譽為是歐洲最後希望,因為其他同樣來自歐洲的隊伍也都逐一遭到淘汰,G2 現在可說是背負重任,是否能延續 MSI 的冠軍?來看看歐美網友怎麼說




Faker, Rookie, Caps, and FunPlus Phoenix all reached the semifinals.

Riot straight up foreshadowed the script in the Worlds Song.

Faker、Rookie、Caps,還有 FunPlus Phoenix 都進到了四強,

Riot 直接在世界賽主題曲「Phoenix」 裡面寫好了整個劇本


Script took longer which is why we got the song so late



Next year Steve will pay for DL to be featured in the Worlds Song.

明年 Steve 會花錢讓 Doublelift 被選進世界賽主題曲

*Steve Arhancet 為 TL 的首席執行長(co-ceo)


No matter what Worlds, Ryze always finds a way.



Kayle is a bait, Ryze is broken.



Kayle is a bait unless you are Theshy

凱爾的確是誘餌除非你是 Theshy


Somehow every team that didn't lose in w2 lost in quarterfinals. Coincidence?


*GRF、DWG、FNC在第二周全勝 SPY 只在加賽輸給FPX


G2 are sooolid , not every team can perform in BO5 , and people still cant realize that

G2 很穩,不是每一支隊伍在 BO5 都有這樣的表現,但大家還是沒辦法明白這點。


At least they played well, unlike fucking FNC.

至少他們玩得很好,不像 FNC


splyce played better then fnc honestly

SPY 都打得比 FNC 好


Humanoid kind of looked as strong or even better than Faker in that series. Caps said he is the next Baby Caps for a reason.

Humanoid(SPY 中路,僅19歲) 在八強看起來打得甚至比 Faker 還好,這也是為甚麼 Caps 會說他是新生代 Caps 的原因。


Imagine yourself as GRF & DWG

Working hard to get 1st in Groups

Just to draw the defending Champions and the MSI Champions

想像你是 GRF 和 DWG,這麼努力拿到小組第一只為了抽到 衛冕世界冠軍和 MSI 冠軍


Everyone who keeps saying you need to beat every team to win the tournament. G2 lost to griffin in tiebreaker, Griffin is out. IG ended below DWG, DWG is out...

大家都說在小組賽需要拿下每一場勝利以小組第一晉級,G2 在加賽輸給 GRF,然後 GRF 出局了; IG 在小組賽排名比 DWG 低,但 DWG 淘汰了……


Enemy yas: roams help his teammates

Yas on my team: windwall in wrong direction and proceeds to die




Sorry about that windwall I thought a Draven ult was returning from the previous game.


(第三場比賽 Nuclear下路犽宿在對方Gank的時候劃了一道反向風牆)






歐美網友看SKT對上SPY:每一場八強都要打到3-1 拜託Riot不要再用昨天的劇本了​



Faker賽後採訪:100勝聽起來沒有很多 我要拿200勝



八強賽D2:Mata上場送一敗 SKT仍輕鬆擊敗SPY順利晉級四強

八強賽D2:鏖戰DWG挺進四強 歐洲最後希望G2



歐美網友看IG晉級四強:韓服寇格魔玩混傷 JackeyLove你好像比較喜歡真傷​

歐美網友看GRF淘汰: Sword在後補上路讓GRF晉級後跑去找管理層抱怨自己不是先發

歐美網友看FNC淘汰:TheShy的凱爾讓我覺得這角色太強 但Bwipo的凱爾又讓我覺得這角色應該要BUFF



關鍵字: lol riot jr action nash g2
