加拿大調查報導記者庫柏(Sam Cooper)在新書《有意無視:販毒集團、大亨和中共特務如何聯手滲透西方》(Wilful Blindness : How a Network of Narcos, Tycoons and CCP Agents Infiltrated the West,暫譯)中,披露加拿大販毒集團與中國共產黨、香港黑道組織「三合會」的關聯,藉此滲透西方民主世界從中牟利,該事卻巧妙被無視。
包含加拿大前駐華外交官伯頓(Charles Burton)、英國保守黨人權委員會副主席羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)等人皆參與20日的新書發表會。
作者庫柏指出,首先引起他注意的,是一些看似普通的人,每晚提著裏面裝滿20元的袋子,估計可裝200萬加元,並與賭場老手(whale gambler)一同進入溫哥華的賭場。從中國官方的文宣照片發現,這些「普通人」,與中國駐溫哥華領事館和加拿大政治人物均有互動。
What I tried to do with Wilful Blindness is introduce what elite law enforcement and intelligence know about the top threat to Canada, to all readers. So far, so good. And I’ve been asked to speak to a conference of Canadian prosecutors about my findings. I’m glad lawyers, are
— Sam Cooper (@scoopercooper) May 23, 2021
A report in Chinese about Wilful Blindness and the author. Really honored to be a part of this wonderful panel of @scoopercooper @benedictrogers @tengbiao @cburton001 @DEANforDVW https://t.co/00NAMYjL34
— Ivy Li (@IvyVFHK) May 23, 2021