英國廣播公司報導,警方於當地時間下午5時37分接獲通報,在哥本哈根南部的菲爾德購物中心(Field's)爆發槍擊事件。原定在附近辦演場會的英國男子組合「一世代」(One Direction)成員哈利史泰爾(Harry Styles)緊急取消活動;其演唱會場所距離槍擊地點不到1英里(約1.6公里)。
美聯社指出,槍擊案在丹麥相對少見。從網友上傳社群網站的畫面可以看到,事件發生當下大批民眾倉皇逃跑;根據丹麥媒體TV2發布的畫面,槍手穿著背心和及膝的短褲。目擊者艾瓦茲尼(Mahdi Al-Wazni)表示,槍手「看起來非常暴力且憤怒」,看到別人在拍攝他,似乎還對自己相當自豪。
#Breaking: Just in - Video footage of the suspect seconds prior to the shooting inside of the fields shopping center in #Copenhagen in #Denmark. Not sure if it the same person who is in custody with the picture above this tweet. pic.twitter.com/xRTRZBVQQz
— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) July 3, 2022
New video shows people fleeing a shopping mall in Denmark as police responded to a reported shooting. https://t.co/z4I4UufbAk pic.twitter.com/7GIaJpn5qi
— ABC News (@ABC) July 3, 2022
#BREAKING shooting rampage in Copenhagen, Denmark; Several people shot according to Danish police
— Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) July 3, 2022
A frantic scene inside a #Copenhagen shopping mall after several people were shot today. Copenhagen police said that one person has been arrested in connection with the shooting at the Field’s shopping mall, which is close to the city’s airport. #Denmark pic.twitter.com/nQe2qYDLCf
— Shaquille Omari (@shaq_omari) July 3, 2022
一名目擊者史托茲(Hans Christian Stoltz)表示,他本來是帶女兒去看史泰爾的演唱會,想不到卻發生槍擊案,不明白「怎麼會有人對其他人犯下這種事」。另一位目擊者奧爾森(Joachim Olsen)則稱,很多人一邊跑一邊把手舉在頭上,「就像在美國校園槍擊那樣」;年紀較大的民眾雙腿無力,還得搭著其他人的肩膀一起逃離。
丹麥總理佛瑞德里克森(Mette Frederiksen)發聲明表達哀悼,沉痛表示這起槍擊案「令人心碎」,卻又「無法理解」且「毫無意義」。