美國副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)10日推文聲援,並附上去年7月接見黎智英時相談合照,表示他對於黎智英維護民主、權利與北京當局曾承諾香港的自治而深受啟發。直指香港逮捕黎智英行徑,形同侵犯全球熱愛自由之人。
The arrest of @JimmyLaiApple in Hong Kong is deeply offensive & an affront to freedom loving people around the world. When I met w/ Jimmy Lai @WhiteHouse, I was inspired by his stand for democracy & the rights & autonomy that were promised to the people of Hong Kong by Beijing. pic.twitter.com/ZwioCrvNb7
— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) August 10, 2020
美國國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)9日才與「五眼聯盟(FVEY)」,包含英國、加拿大及澳紐五國外交部長,共同關切港府取消立法會候選人,及延宕立法會選舉一事。見10日事件則推文表示,此舉顯露中國共產黨已損害香港自由與侵犯人權,指出他因香港當局行為深感不解。
I’m deeply troubled by reports of the arrest of @JimmyLaiApple under Hong Kong’s draconian National Security Law. Further proof that the CCP has eviscerated Hong Kong’s freedoms and eroded the rights of its people.
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) August 10, 2020
美國參議員魯比歐(Marco Rubio)則轉推美籍香港社群領袖朱牧名文章,呼籲自由世界共同為置身險境的香港人發聲。
More arrests taking place in #HongKong under National Security Law. Jimmy Lai and his son were charged with “colluding w/ foreign powers.” As more arrests are expected, the free world must respond quickly as well as provide safe harbor to at-risk Hong Kongers. https://t.co/KriQdwiqFS
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) August 10, 2020
《路透》(Reuters)報導提及英國首相強森(Boris Johnson)透過發言人聲明,這已證實香港利用《國安法》抵制反對派勢力,香港當局應更重視人民權利及自由伸張。並表示對黎智英及其他新聞從業者的逮補,將違反《中英聯合聲明》與基本法中特別名列的新聞自由,應當受到國安法第4條保障。
英國下議院議員柴萍恩(Sarah Champion)也引述《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導、推文挺黎智英,表明港府公正應用法律,而非胡亂用以逼迫異端。
Jimmy Lai: Hong Kong media tycoon arrested under new security law. Unless this legislation is applied fairly in HK, not as a way to intimidate dissenting voices, it will be impossible to view it as anything other than an attack on Democracy & Basic Law https://t.co/cCI3Hxp7wY
— Sarah Champion (@SarahChampionMP) August 10, 2020
歐盟同樣因此案發表聲明,執行委員會(European Commission)對外事務發言人史丹諾(Peter Stano)提及黎智英被控勾結國外勢力,將引人憂心《國安法》已被利用來壓制香港人民及新聞自由。歐盟藉此重申港府尊重人權及基本法的自由核心價值。
歐洲議會議員福斯達(Guy Verhofstadt)分享《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,指名中國企圖將香港導向死胡同,無視民主及國安法合法性。
With the arrest of Jimmy Lai China is driving Hong Kong further down a dead end street. Nothing to do with national security but an attempt to rule without even a show of legitimacy, let alone democracy.https://t.co/wrTNLcE8Wu
— Guy Verhofstadt (@guyverhofstadt) August 10, 2020