
【高12公尺】霸王龍「史丹」標本將拍賣 售價上看800萬美元

李靖棠 2020年09月16日 19:00:00


受到《侏儸紀公園》等諸多電影推波助瀾,讓兇猛的雷克斯暴龍(Tyrannosaurus rex),非常受到科學家與大眾關注,也使得少數出土的骨骸標本,成為部份博物館內的鎮館之寶。



《路透》(Reuters)報導,佳士得(Christie's)公司證實、1987年在美國南達科他州水牛鎮(Buffalo, South Dakota)出土,高約12公尺的霸王龍骨骸標本「史丹」(Stan),將在10月6日於紐約公開拍賣,由於這副標本的珍稀程度與完整性,拍賣官估計、落錘售價應該落在600萬至800萬美元(約新台幣1億7523萬至2億3371萬元)之間。




We are thrilled to offer in our 6 October Evening Sale of 20th Century Art in New York one of the largest, most complete, and widely studied Tyrannosaurus rex skeletons ever discovered. Measuring 13' high and 40' long with the tail outstretched, STAN's 188 original bones represent one of the largest and most complete specimens known to exist.⠀ .⠀ Endearingly named "STAN" after the paleontologist who first found the skeleton's partially unearthed hip bones, the T. rex is an extraordinary surviving specimen from approximately 67 million years ago.⠀ .⠀ The skeleton comes to auction from the Black Hills Institute in South Dakota, where the T.rex has been displayed and studied for the last two decades, and has inspired dozens of academic articles and studies within the paleontological community.⠀ .⠀ After a meticulous museum-quality re-mounting, STAN the T. rex will be exhibited in a first-of-its-kind extended public preview at our Rockefeller Center galleries from 16 September 16 through 21 October (request an appointment by emailing trex@christies.com) or stop by at any time to see STAN through specially built floor-to-ceiling gallery windows along the 49th Street sidewalk between Fifth and Sixth Avenue.⠀ .⠀ This special viewing opportunity will offer enthusiasts and pedestrians alike the chance to see and learn about one of the world's most iconic dinosaurs in a socially distanced setting.⠀ .⠀ 'STAN', Late Cretaceous (circa 67 million years ago). A male Tyrannosaurus rex, in remarkable state of preservation, showing pathologies such as puncture wounds to jaws and healed break to the neck vertebra, 37 x 13 x 6ft. (1128 x 396 x 183cm.). Estimate: $6,000,000-8,000,000⠀ .⠀ Evening Sale of 20th Century Art — 6 October, New York⠀ .⠀ #rexatrock #trex #tyrannosaurusrex #dinosaur #fossil #paleontology #southdakota #stan

Christie's(@christiesinc)分享的貼文 於 張貼


雖然估計售價略低於1997年、芝加哥菲爾德自然史博物館(Field Museum of Natural History)創下的836萬美元(約新台幣2億4422萬元)門檻,但由188塊骨骸組成的霸王龍「史丹」,卻是現行保存最完整的暴龍標本之一。


根據科學家判斷,史丹活躍時間應該在距今6000萬年前,之所以取名為史丹,是以1987年首次發現骨骸的古生物學者史丹・薩克理森(Stan Sacrison)命名,並由黑山地質研究所(Black Hills Institute)挖掘保存。




負責驗證的佳士得專家赫斯洛普(James Hyslop)受訪時表示,他至今仍無法忘懷、第一次與史丹接觸的震撼感,





打從1902年、首個暴龍骨骸標本AMNH 973在美國蒙大拿州被發現,至今百餘年過去,全球一共出土50件暴龍骨骸標本;除了外界熟知的「蘇」(Sue)或「史丹」外,其他多半屬於部份殘骸。






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