中印邊界衝突仍然尚未平息,中國與印度官方近來試圖減緩衝突,雙方已同意不再增兵邊界。 根據《印度時報》(Times of India)報導,雙方在22日的談判當中,同意執行雙方高層所達成的協議,加強地面溝通避免誤會,以及不再派遣更多部隊到前線改變現狀。
9月11日印度外交部長蘇杰生(Subrahmanyam Jaishankar)與中國外交部長王毅在莫斯科舉行雙邊會議達成五點共識,同意盡快脫離接觸緩和前線緊張局勢。
Causing a possible shift in #China’s objectives since 2017 their post #Doklam Crisis blueprint seems to lean on creating broad support capabilities that provide #Beijing a tremendous ability to mobilize forces towards Indo-Sino border areas
— d-atis☠️ (@detresfa_) September 22, 2020
Read here :- https://t.co/bzxtvKHfei pic.twitter.com/2wnMfm2R2d
報告指出,中國解放軍在中印邊界的建設遠遠未完成,因此今天與印度之間的事件只是長期衝突的開端。當這些設施完成之後,解放軍的邊界運作將無疑會大大加強。這些強化基礎建設的作法跟解放軍在南海的做法如出一轍。 印度媒體《NDTV》在5月獲得的衛星照片當中就發現解放軍在拉達卡附近擴建空軍基地。
Satellite imagery from some of the sites mapped allows for visual contextualization of the changes taking place on ground that could allow #China a projection of military strength deep into the complex Himalayan terrain in the future pic.twitter.com/mVtgsSp0NQ
— d-atis☠️ (@detresfa_) September 22, 2020
#WATCH: Indian Air Force Rafale fighter jet operating over a forward airbase in Ladakh near Line of Actual Control with China. (Video Courtesy: Defence Sources)
— ANI (@ANI) September 21, 2020
5 Rafale fighters have been inducted into Indian Air Force & they are familiarising themselves with operational areas. pic.twitter.com/l3KzWLzIyY