
【執法過當爭議】瑞典警衛強力壓制未購票非裔孕婦 遭批種族歧視

陳品潔 2019年02月02日 18:11:00






斯德哥爾摩的公共運輸服務商「SL」(Stockholm's SL public transport provider)發言人1日表示:「保安人員有權逮捕擾亂秩序者」,稱因這名孕婦沒買票也拒絕離開地鐵,且開始尖叫並抵抗。


「SL」主管帕莫(Henrik Palmer)表示,許多手機影片顯示警衛手段過於強硬,坦承並未妥善處理該事件。







當地知名部落客「Lovette Jallow」表示,種族歧視與虐待並不罕見,即使是對一名孕婦。



Tomorrow all the witnesses that came forth with their evidence will be making their own reports. . . In these two videos you can see the victim dragged out of the train, her child taken from her and whilst she attempts to stand up she is held down. The full video is over 5 minutes long and I will try and edit and put it up tonight or tomorrow. . . After everything the Swedish public was shown in the recent @kallafaktatv4 documentary about how aftiswedes are racially profiled and mistreated this shouldn’t surprise anyone even if the victim is pregnant. The victim is currently in the hospital and all I can do is hope the baby is alright because if anything happens to that child. There will be hell to pay.

ᒪOᐯETTE ᒍᗩᒪᒪOᗯ(@action4humanity_se)分享的貼文 於 張貼


瑞典性別平權、種族平等組織「Men for Gender Equality」更提出,地鐵警衛已非首次使用暴力,主席阿里表示:「已經有多個證據顯示警衛對非白人的瑞典人施展暴力,有時甚至不是必要情況」。





關鍵字: 瑞典 種族歧視 黑人


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