
獨角獸先森 2019年10月06日 00:40:00
敏感。(圖片來源:lolesports Flickr)

敏感。(圖片來源:lolesports Flickr)

在入圍賽第四日, HKA 在最終以三勝一敗收官進軍淘汰賽。第一場的比賽對上泰國的 MG 有驚無險下贏得比賽,隨後在隊上首日被擊敗的 LK 則是成功平反,以輾壓式的營運輕鬆取得比賽。而由於近來香港政治問題敏感,加上英雄聯盟最大股東為騰訊,在 Reddit 上有不好網友對此戲謔回應。




HKA Status: Not free

HKA目前的狀態:Not Free


A Policewoman won’t work against a team called Hong Kong Attitude.

選警察造型(凱特琳)對 HKA 起不了作用。


Hani is lowkey just discount Huni.




Lol. The ad got a police skin. No wonder the Hong Kong team bot line beat that police up

笑死, LK AD 選性感警察的造型,難怪 HKA 可以爆打下路線。


I'm glad Unified and Kaiwing had a good game here, they were supposed to be a big strong point for HKA and looked really shaky in the other games, if they have more games like that they can beat the other second places and go to groups

很高興看到 Unified 和 Kaiwing 打得這麼好,他們是 HKA 強勁優勢點位,如果他們在其他比賽能夠表現得像這場比賽,那他們就可以挺進小組賽。


3rd seed Lms > 2nd seed Vcs



LK goal is not to win but to become international circus. Optimus died for this.



LMS #3 > VCS #2
Riot: VCS is the fifth region. LMS merges with another region and releases their ticket.




LMS isn’t Chinese team. Asshole



This group is so weak. I don't know whether to laugh or cry to be honest.



What a dominant performance from HKA. Hani might be competting with Vizisaci for the title of "worst top at worlds" this year. Xayah and Rakan is the most dominant pair in this meta and LK just... gave it away for what? Nerfed Akali? Lousy Lux pick which should be saved for the "more important games"? They revealed a secret pick for absolutely NOTHING.

Also plzz fix the draft they r all wrong. Seriously...

HKA這場的表現太有宰制力了 Hani可能可以跟Vizisaci一起爭奪今年世界賽最爛上路的頭銜,剎雅銳空雙人組是在這個Meta最強的下路,然後LK就這樣直接放掉了?? 選被砍過的阿卡莉是在??然後又在更重要的一場選一隻爛爛的拉克絲??拜託搞好BP好嗎


IMO, apart from NA and LPL, Crash has been the highest value import (relative to his region). Maybe blank can contest that spot, but this whole year, Crash has carried HKA so hard, and honestly, if he got an LCK starting spot I wouldn’t be surprised.

我覺得如果排開北美和LPL不看,Crash會是最有價值的外援,或許Blank可以跟他拚拚看,不過他今年一手Carry起了HKA 如果他去LCK拿到先發也不奇怪。






HKA拖字訣 再用巴龍之戰擊敗MG

Crash李星七進七出盤絲洞 HKA榮登C組第一晉級淘汰賽




3z無法將隊伍拉向勝利 HKA惜敗越南第二LK​



入圍賽Day2懶人包: LMS對陣LST隊伍戰績全勝 HKA能否延續這個美名?

官方選出入圍賽首日MVP Huni拿下最佳上路選手

官方評選第二日最佳選手 HKA 3z榮登榜上



3z強勢壓制MG上路 雷尼克頓1.5k傷害創「世界賽新低」


關鍵字: lol hk free
