
上報快訊 2016年11月22日 21:50:00


針對近日台大論文事件風波不斷,晚間中研院長廖俊智發表《中研院同仁公開信─Re:守護學術良知》(President Liao's letter to colleagues regarding research ethics),提醒每一位研究同仁,學術倫理和研究重誠信。內文如下:




近日論文圖像造假的事情引起社會高度關注,我要在此提醒每一位研究同仁學術倫理 (ethics) 的重要性。學術研究最重誠信 (integrity),在誠信的基礎上,學術研究才能貫徹其求真的目標,及享有社會的信任與支持。誠信雖為普世原則,學術界更應以此為最根本的要求,並奉為圭臬。




學界蒙塵的現象令人遺憾和痛心,但此刻也是我們痛定思痛、思索如何幫助臺灣學術界建構更健全價值觀的關鍵時機。有些人或將此畸型現象歸咎於學術制度、文化及考核獎勵等結構性問題,這些我們理應深切檢討, 但最根本的是研究人員的榮譽心及自豪感 (pride)。我們應以自身榮譽、研究團隊榮譽、中研院榮譽、甚至臺灣的榮譽為最終守護的目標,隨時隨地做嚴謹的自我檢視。期以實質的成就為榮,取代外界量化或虛浮的肯定,亦即我們再三強調的「重質不重量」心態。


學界重視聲譽  學者養成不易






院長 廖俊智





Re: Guarding an academic conscience




Recently the falsification of scholarly research has attracted a high degree of public attention. I would like to take this opportunity to remind every researcher of the importance of academic ethics. In academic research, integrity is of utmost importance. Only when based on integrity, can academic research carry out its goal of searching for the truth, and enjoy the trust and support of the society. The principle of universal integrity should be the most basic requirement of academia, and regarded as a standard.


The most commonly seen violations of academic ethics are data fraud and plagiarism, and in some fields, translation may replace writing. These are all deceptive behaviors. Of course, deception is not allowed in any community, and is never more unacceptable than in the academic community.


It is regrettable and painful to learn about the unfortunate incidence in the academic community. But this is also the time to learn from experience, and consider how to help Taiwan’s academia to build a more sound value system. Some people blame structural problems in the academic system, such as the culture of the community and the promotion and reward systems. Although these should be thoroughly reviewed, most fundamental is the honor and pride of the researchers. For our own honor and that of our research team and Academia Sinica, with guarding the honor of Taiwan as the ultimate goal, we should routinely conduct rigorous self-examination. We should be proud of our achievements because of their substance, not because of any external quantitation or vain recognition from the outside world; we repeatedly stress the “emphasis on quality not on quantity” mentality.


If our researchers at Academia Sinica are reported to be in violation of research ethics, and there is clear evidence for verification, Academia Sinica will conduct a fair investigation and deliberate in accordance with set procedures. The academic community puts emphasis on the academic reputation of scholars, the development of which is not easy. However, such reputation is easily destroyed at once, if research ethics are violated. We should not tolerate fraudulent acts, but we should also not condone false accusations.


We must jointly safeguard the honor of Academia Sinica and all of Taiwan’s academic community. I hope that all my colleagues will remember our initial motivation, the pursuit of knowledge breakthroughs and scientific innovation, and enjoy the accompanying satisfaction, and not get lost in fame and wealth and abandon our academic conscience.



James C. Liao




