

遊戲中心 2019年10月15日 10:57:00
AHJQ吞下第三敗(圖片來源:LoL Esports Flickr)

AHJQ吞下第三敗(圖片來源:LoL Esports Flickr)

S9世界賽的小組賽階段進入第三天,第二場由臺灣戰隊 AHQ 出戰 TL,雙方在前中期打得十分膠著,AHQ 在吃掉第一條巴龍後開始拉開經濟差距,未料在處理第二條巴龍時太過不小心而被偷掉讓戰局被逆轉,最後就由 TL 拿下關鍵的第二勝。以下是歐美網友對這場比賽的看法:




MFW watching Jensen this game
我看完 Jensen 這場表現之後的表情:


This was his worst game since that game 1 against Faker 3 years ago
這是他自三年前對決 Faker 之後打得最爛的一場


He literally looked like someone that got smashed by Orianna in soloqueue, then grabbed the champ for himself thinking he can play it just as well while      proceeding to feed his ass off ingame cause it's his first time on the champ.
Source: I did the same thing two days ago.


He was SO fucking heavy, DL and Impact really had to carry the corpse of Jensen and CoreJJ
他真的有夠重,DL 和 Impact 要一起扛他和 CoreJJ


Impact saving Liquid from Jensen's worst game I've ever seen. Jesus Christ. BAN QIYANA.
Jensen 秀下限,還好 Impact 救了這場,我的天啊麻煩按掉姬亞娜好嗎?


Everytime I heard Supreme Display of Talent, I felt like it was sarcasm in there but then I realized its the name of Qiyana's R.


Jensen getting hooked multiple times, dying with ult still up and TL losing fights to the same "Qiyana flank mid" strat. This really should not have been that close.

Jensen 被勾了好幾次,也在大絕還亮著的時候掛掉,TL 一直輸給同一套「姬亞娜切中」戰術,這場真的不應該打得那麼膠著的。


Same is true the other way as well. Wako was straight up inting this game.
另外一邊也一樣,Wako 真的狂送

Looks like TL has never played against Qiyana and Rumble. Holy shit..
看起來 TL 從來沒有打過姬亞娜和藍寶的樣子,我的媽啊...


They meant to ban Rumble but a client language issue made them miss a ban.




Jensen trying his hardest to lose the game
Jensen 在盡全力輸掉這場比賽


My eyes are fucking bleeding but a win is a win is a win.


Wako hates winning.
Wako 討厭贏的感覺


Impact makes Renekton look like a late game champion holy fuck
Impact 把鱷魚玩得像隻後期英雄


Team Liquid vs A supreme display of talent
TL 對上大顯身手


Wako: Paid by steve.
How the hell can you fuck this up ???
Wako:已經收到 TL 老闆的匯款了


Wako and Doublelift winning this game 2v8 for TL, what a monsters
Wako 和 DL 合力為 TL 贏得了這場二打八的比賽,真的是怪物級的身手




連 AHQ 也沒有忘記最後一個步驟:


現在的 TL 粉絲:







不科學會戰功虧一簣 TL偷巴龍送ahq第三敗



韓國窒息式營運再現 DWG利用邊線壓力輕取ahq

HKA不敵C9 鏖戰47分鐘惜吞首敗




歐美網友看JT完勝FPX:Free Hong Kong?中國才是最Free的吧?






關鍵字: TL AHQ S9世界賽
