

JR 2019年10月19日 20:38:00
可怕的韓國又回來了嗎?(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

可怕的韓國又回來了嗎?(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

昨日為第六日的小組賽,C組中 G2 和 GRF 以同分將加賽決定誰是小組第一,這也攸關他們面對的八強的對手,而在最後的加賽中 GRF 幾乎可說是以輾壓之姿勝過 G2 ,讓歐美網友相當訝異。




Tarzan is insane. He made Jankos look like a gold jungler.

Tarzan 太神啦,他讓 Jankos 看起來就像是個金牌


'Hey remember that Qiyana jg/Shen sup/Jayce top last game? was fucking op combo, we should definitely try that'

'Uhh well shit'

「嘿!你們還記得上一場 姬亞娜 JG 慎 SUP 杰西上路的那場比賽嗎,那Combo真的強,我們一定要試試」



GRF is just really really good.

They outclassed G2 in Top and Jgl and I like that G2 got a wakeup call, even though facing fpx/skt/dwg? is gonna be rough

GRF 真的玩得很好,他們的上路和打野和G2比起來是不同層級的,而且這場比賽也終於讓G2醒醒,他們要對上 FPX、SKT、DWG 都很難打


Facing IG would be poetic

對上 IG的話會變得很有意境

iG also currently don’t have a jungler.

IG 現在也沒有打野


IG don't have a jungler, G2 doesn't

IG supp playing bad, G2 supp playing bad

IG top and mid will prob outcarry G2 counterparts

IG 沒有打野,G2 也沒有

IG SUP 打得很爛,G2 SUP 也打得很爛

IG 中上 Carry 的概率大於 G2 中上 Carry 的概率


Yup, this is the Korea I know.



Jankos saved the troll for these last two games

Jankos 這兩場保住了「戳」的名號

Jankos: "Reddit doesn't believe me when I said Eastern teams were super good? I'll show them who's wrong!"

Jankos:「既然 Reddit 不相信我之前說東方隊伍超強,我就讓他們知道他們是錯的」


Reminder ESPN put jankos as the best player at worlds

各位記得 ESPN 之前把 Jankos 評為世界最強的選手


And Tarzan wasn't even top 20 in their list

然後 Tarzan 根本不在 Top20裡面


Another Korean civil war at final?



good guy g2 making sure they don't draw splyce in quarters

太棒了 G2 確保他們不會在八強遇到 SPY


Like seriously, it feels like the entire GRF roster is so relieved the abuse has come out and being dealt with, and they can just enjoy the game and prove themselves.

說真的,感覺整個 GRF 都很舒壓,所有的壓榨問題都被解決,讓他們終於可以享受比賽並證明自己。


Cho: I Am WhAt MaDe ThIs TeAm GoOd. I HaVe MoRe ExPeRiEnCe

Griffin pops off after he's gone


GRF 在他走之後變的超強


Cho: "See, I was just training and disciplining the team to reach their full potential. It was all because of me and my experience!"



“You don’t understand, I’m doing this because I love you”


註:( CHO 為 GRF 管理層“Cho Gyu-nam”簡稱,曾對前 GRF 教練 cvMax 說:「不要以為 GRF 的成功是你的關係,我是一位受人尊姓的星海爭霸教練,我有更多的帶隊經驗和經歷,你還有更多的事情要學習。」)


關鍵字: lol riot hka jr g2 skt
