隨著烏克蘭政府逐漸掌握首都基輔及周邊城鎮,俄軍的殘忍殺戮不斷被揭露。《真理報》(Ukrayinska Pravda)報導,基輔西部城鎮馬卡里夫(Makariv)亂葬崗挖出132具被處決的平民屍體。周遭房屋、醫院,甚至幼稚園也慘遭到俄軍轟炸。
#Makariv is something in between a village and a town. 132 bodies have been found. And almost half of the buildings totally destroyed pic.twitter.com/IBgtmSQuQv
— Lesia Vasylenko (@lesiavasylenko) April 8, 2022
In Makariv west of Kyiv, 132 dead bodies unearthed from mass graves and found in the streets following the Russian occupation, the mayor says.
— Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦 (@IAPonomarenko) April 8, 2022
The town has been destroyed by 40%. pic.twitter.com/SxGqcelQpT
歐洲聯盟執委會主席馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)8日訪問基輔,同日得知克拉馬托爾斯克車站轟炸案,譴責俄羅斯行為「卑劣」(despicable)、並向烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskiy)親表哀悼之意。
The EU has allocated 1 billion euro to support the Ukrainian armed forces with weapons.
— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) April 8, 2022
And more will come. We will now propose another €500 million to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Ukrainian people are holding up the torch of freedom for all of us. pic.twitter.com/bfT89XNy4s
針對克拉莫托斯克車站轟炸案,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)表示,俄羅斯再次犯下恐怖暴行,轟炸試圖避難的平民。他也承諾,美國將持續提供安全援助和武器,協助烏克蘭捍衛國家;同時紀錄俄羅斯這次的行動,以利後續調查和究責。
The attack on a Ukrainian train station is yet another horrific atrocity committed by Russia, striking civilians who were trying to evacuate and reach safety.
— President Biden (@POTUS) April 8, 2022
英國首相強森(Boris Johnson)直指,「無差別襲擊平民已犯下戰爭罪,俄羅斯在烏克蘭的罪行不會被忽視跟被放過」,並承諾提供烏克蘭價值1億英鎊(約36億6000萬新台幣)的軍援。
NEW: The UK will provide more military aid to Ukraine.
— UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) April 8, 2022
This package amounts to £100 million, and will help Ukraine defend itself from Russia's barbaric attacks. #StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/OMXU1zXsDM
聯合國秘書長古特雷斯(António Guterres)透過發言人表示,「完全無法接受」俄羅斯在克拉莫托斯克的轟炸,以及對平民、民用設施的攻擊,並呼籲盡快結束戰爭。
Today's strike on a railway station in Ukraine killed & injured scores of civilians waiting to be evacuated, including women, children & the elderly.
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) April 8, 2022
This is a gross violation of international humanitarian & human rights law. Perpetrators must be held accountable.
聯合國烏克蘭危機協調員阿瓦德(Amin Awad)也呼籲,對當地立即展開調查。
《路透》(Reuters)報導,一位美國高階國防官員透露,五角大廈認為俄軍在這波襲擊中,使用蘇聯暱稱為「圓點」(Tochka)的短程彈道飛彈,北大西洋公約組織則稱之為SS-21聖甲蟲飛彈(SS-21 Scarab missile)。克拉莫托斯克襲擊的確切動機為何,則有待釐清。
Remains of what appears to be a Tochka ballistic missile found near the train station. pic.twitter.com/2xmoCach3U
— Kyle Glen (@KyleJGlen) April 8, 2022